Wise Email Writing 商务英语邮件写作系列课程

Wise Email Writing 商务英语邮件写作系列课程


wise Email Writing主课程:
1.Positive energy email Part l-How to use positive expression.mp3
2.Positive energy email Part ll-4 rules to make your email full of positive energy.mp3
3. Does your email catch a cold Part l- 6 rules to help your email not catch a cold.mp3
4. Does your email catch a cold Part ll-6 rules to help your email not catch a cold.mp3
5. Do you really know how to say thank you Part I-3 rules to make your thank-you sound warm and powerful.mp3
6. Do you really know how to say thank you Part ll-How to write excellent thank you message after interview(3).mp3
7.Do you really know how to say thank you Part Ill-Heartfelt thank you letters sharing.mp3
8.Effective feedback Part l-How to share positive feedback.mp3
9.Effective feedback Part ll-How to share constructive feedback-DOS.mp3
10.Effective feedback Part Ill-How to share constructive feedback-DON'TS.mp3
11. Introduction Part l-Pave the way to success-How to introduce others with care.mp3
12. Introduction Part ll-Pave the way to success-How to introduce yourself effectively.mp3
13.Introduction Part l-Pave the way to success-How to present an attention-grabbing cover letter.mp3
14. Say goodbye elegantly -How to write a warm farewell letter at job which nurtures new opportunities.mp3
15.The art of apology Part I-How to apologize to superiors, peers and subordinates.mp3
16.The art of apology Part ll-How to apologize to customers.mp3
17.Angry emails handling Part l-How to handle angry emails from your company.mp3
18.Angry emails handling Part ll-How to handle angry emails from your customers.mp3
19.Angry emails handling Part ll-3 Steps to deal with angriest email of all angry emails.mp3
20.Remind people without whining Part I-How to remind peers and superiors gently and effectively.mp3
21.Remind people without whining Part ll-How to remind customers without irritating them.mp3
22.Share bad news Part l-How to share bad news without co-workers.mp3
23. Share bad news Part ll-How to share bad news with customers.mp3
24.Agree to disagree-How to disagree with people politely.mp3

2.Positive energy email Part ll-4 rules to make your email full of positive energy.pdf
3. Does your email catch a cold Part l- 6 rules to help your email not catch a cold.pdf
4.Does your email catch a cold Part ll-6 rules to help your email not catch a cold.pdf
5. Do you really know how to say thank you Part l-3 rules to make your thank-you sound warm and powerful.pdf
6.Do you really know how to say thank you Part ll-How to write excellent thank you message after interview.pdf
7.Do you really know how to say thank you Part lll-Heartfelt thank you letters sharing.pdf
8.Effective feedback Part l-How to share positive feedback.pdf
9.Effective feedback Part ll-How to share constructive feedback-Dos.pdf
10.Effective feedback Part ll-How to share constructive feedback-DON'TS.pdf
11. Introduction Part l-Pave the way to success-How to introduce others with care.pdf
12. Introduction Part ll-Pave the way to success-How to introduce yourself effectively.pdf
13.Introduction Part ll-Pave the way to success-How to present an attention-grabbing cover letter.pdf
14. Say goodbye elegantly -How to write a warm farewell letter at job which nurtures new opportunities.pdf
15.The art of apology Part l-How to apologize to superiors, peers and subordiantes.pdf
16.The art of apology Part ll-How to apologize to customers.pdf
17.Angry Emails Handling Part l-How to handle angry emails from your company.pdf
18.Angry Emails Handling Part ll-How to handle angry emails from your customers.pdf
19.Angry Emails Handling Part ll-3 Steps to deal with angriest email of all angry emails.pdf
20.Remind people without whining Part l-How to remind peers and superiors gently and effectively.pdf
21.Remind people without whining Part ll-How to remind customers without irritating them.pdf
22.Share Bad News Part l-How to share bad news without co-workers.pdf
23.Share Bad News Part ll-How to share bad news with customers.pdf
24.Agree to disagree-How to disagree with people politely.pdf


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