【24寒】春节素材包(手工+视频+ 绘本 +趣味阅读+资源包)
├─01. BBC记录片 Chinese New Year (1-3集高清视频+音频+台词本)
│ ├─BBC-中国新年 Chinese New Year MP3
│ │ ├┈S01E01.lrc
│ │ ├┈S01E01.mp3
│ │ ├┈s01e02.lrc
│ │ ├┈S01E02.mp3
│ │ ├┈s01e03.lrc
│ │ └┈S01E03.mp3
│ ├─BBC-中国新年 Chinese New Year 剧本
│ │ ├┈S01E01.eng.doc
│ │ ├┈S01E01.doc
│ │ ├┈s01e02.eng.doc
│ │ ├┈s01e02.doc
│ │ ├┈s01e03.eng.doc
│ │ └┈s01e03.doc
│ └─BBC-中国新年 Chinese New Year 内封字幕
│ └─├┈第1集.归乡.HD720P.X264.中英双字幕.rarbt.mp4
│ └─├┈第2集.团聚.HD720P.X264.中英双字幕.rarbt.mp4
│ └─└┈第3集.欢庆.HD720P.X264.中英双字幕.rarbt.mp4
├─02. 新年绘本合集(PDF+音频)
│ ├─Babys First Chinese New Year
│ ├─Bringing In The New Year
│ │ ├─bringing in the new year
│ │ │ ├┈Bringing in the New year Lesson Plan—For Music Class.pdf
│ │ │ └┈Bringing In The New Year 音频.mp3
│ │ ├┈Bringing In The New Year.mp3
│ │ └┈Bringing In The New Year.pdf
│ ├─Busy Chinese New Year
│ │ ├┈Busy Chinese New Year.mp3
│ │ └┈Busy Chinese New Year.pdf
│ ├─Chelseas Chinese New Year
│ ├─Chinese New Year
│ │ ├┈01.jpg
│ │ ├┈02.jpg
│ │ ├┈03.jpg
│ │ ├┈04.jpg
│ │ ├┈05.jpg
│ │ ├┈06.jpg
│ │ ├┈07.jpg
│ │ ├┈08.jpg
│ │ ├┈09.jpg
│ │ ├┈10.jpg
│ │ ├┈11.jpg
│ │ ├┈12.jpg
│ │ └┈13.jpg
│ ├─Chinese New Year Colors
│ │ └┈Chinese New Year Colors.pdf
│ ├─Chinese New Year2
│ │ ├┈Chinese New Year2.mp3
│ │ └┈Chinese New Year2.pdf
│ ├─Happy New Year
│ │ ├┈Happy New Year.mp3
│ │ └┈Happy New Year.pdf
│ ├─Its Chinese New Year!
│ ├─Lantern Festival
│ │ ├┈Lantern Festival.mp3
│ │ └┈Lantern Festival.pdf
│ ├─Lanterns and Firecrackers
│ │ ├┈Lanterns and Firecrackers.mp3
│ │ └┈Lanterns and Firecrackers.pdf
│ ├─Maisys Chinese New Year
│ ├─My First Chinese New Year
│ │ ├┈My first Chinese New Year.mp3
│ │ └┈My First Chinese New Year.pdf
│ ├─Nian, The Chinese New Year Dragon
│ │ └┈Nian, The Chinese New Year Dragon.pdf
│ └─The story of the zodiac
│ └─├┈The story of the zodiac.mp3
│ └─└┈The story of the zodiac.pdf
├─03. 新年视频合集
│ ├┈Chelseas Chinese New Year .mp4
│ ├┈Chinese New Year Talking Flashcards _ The Mommy Corner.mp4
│ ├┈Happy Lunar New Year Song!.mp4
│ ├┈Origin of Chinese New Year 农历新年的由来和习俗.mp4
│ ├┈The Chinese New Year .mp4
│ ├┈The Great Race - Chinese Zodiac Tale.mp4
│ ├┈The Legend of Nian 年.mp4
│ ├┈The Nian Monster.mp4
│ └┈第6节:中国春节(英文版).mp4
├─04. 新年儿歌合集(视频)
│ ├┈Happy Lunar New Year! 视频.mp4
│ ├┈the new years song .mp4
│ ├┈巴塔木儿歌-贺新年.mp4
│ ├┈儿歌动画 Happy new year.mp4
│ └┈新年英语歌曲 New Year Song for Kids.mp4
├─05. 十二生肖素材(视频+手工+教学资料)
│ ├─十二生肖动物灯笼
│ │ ├┈狗.pdf
│ │ ├┈猴.pdf
│ │ ├┈虎.pdf
│ │ ├┈鸡.pdf
│ │ ├┈龙.pdf
│ │ ├┈马.pdf
│ │ ├┈牛.pdf
│ │ ├┈蛇.pdf
│ │ ├┈鼠.pdf
│ │ ├┈兔.pdf
│ │ ├┈羊.pdf
│ │ └┈猪.pdf
│ ├┈12生肖.jpg
│ ├┈生肖特征.pdf
│ ├┈生肖转盘.pdf
│ └┈十二生肖传说.mp4
├─06. 春节手工游戏(视频+PDF))
│ ├─剪纸视频
│ │ ├┈Chinese KIRIGAMI paper cutting tutorials - 2.mp4
│ │ ├┈Easy Chinese Paper Cutting (福)Good Fortune 简单剪纸 -福- 簡単切り紙 -福-です.mp4
│ │ ├┈Easy Chinese Paper Cutting(春)Spring 3D 简单剪纸(春)3D 簡単切り紙(春) 3Dです.mp4
│ │ ├┈Super Easy Chinese Paper Cutting(春)Spring 超级简单剪纸(春)超簡単切り紙(春) です.mp4
│ │ └┈[Chinese paper cutting series] 03- -Chuang Hua- (window decoration) by Sharon Qian.mp4
│ ├┈Word search.pdf
│ ├┈灯笼手工2.pdf
│ ├┈棋盘游戏.pdf
│ └┈三角旗.pdf
├─07. 春节百科+练习
│ ├─来历
│ │ ├┈raz_dclg37_legendofnian.pdf
│ │ ├┈RAZ_G_The Legend Nian.mp3
│ │ ├┈年的传说Fortune Talesr(中文字幕).mp4
│ │ └┈年的传说Fortune Talesr.mp4
│ ├─原版练习册
│ │ ├┈饺子练习册.pdf
│ │ ├┈练习册1.pdf
│ │ ├┈练习册2(高频词).pdf
│ │ ├┈练习册3.pdf
│ │ ├┈习俗练习册.pdf
│ │ └┈综合练习册.pdf
│ ├┈春节百科全书.pdf
│ ├┈春节词汇表.pdf
│ └┈禁忌.JPG
└─08. 2024龙年春节特辑(手工+绘本+趣味阅读+活页书+单词卡)
└─│ ├┈Chinese New Year Celebrations.pdf
└─│ ├┈Chinese New Year Flap book cover page.pdf
└─│ ├┈Chinese New Year Flap book inner left and right page.pdf
└─│ ├┈Chinese New Year Flap book middle page.pdf
└─│ ├┈Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner.pdf
└─│ ├┈Chinese New Year Word Cards.pdf
└─│ ├┈Chinese Zodiac Wheel.pdf
└─│ ├┈Year of the Dragon Illusion Card Template Pack.pdf
└─│ └┈Zodiac Story.pdf
└─│ ├─new-year-celebration-lion-dance-paper-bag-puppet-craft-us-ac-1635093473_ver_1
└─│ │ ├┈Black And White New Year Celebration Lion Dance Paper Bag Puppet Craft.pdf
└─│ │ └┈Color New Year Celebration Lion Dance Paper Bag Puppet Craft.pdf
└─│ ├─t-tc-1700739282-lunar-new-year-folding-cards-pack_ver_1
└─│ │ ├┈QQ浏览器截图20240126143210.png
└─│ │ └┈t-tc-1700739282-lunar-new-year-folding-cards-pack_ver_1.pdf
└─│ ├─t-tc-1701098163-lunar-new-year-folded-paper-dragon_ver_1
└─│ │ ├┈Folded Paper Dragon Instructions.pdf
└─│ │ └┈Folded Paper Dragon Templates.pdf
└─│ ├─t-tc-1701694756-dragon-pop-up-card-twinkl-crafts_ver_2
└─│ │ ├┈Dragon Pop-Up Card Instructions.pdf
└─│ │ └┈Dragon Pop-Up Card Template.pdf
└─│ ├┈ma-c-1701944426-2024nong-li-xin-nian-long-nian-shu-zi-dui-ying-tu-se-0-5_ver_1.pdf
└─│ ├┈t-ag-1670933737-paper-lanterns-chinese-new-year-fingerprint-activity-poster_ver_1.pdf
└─│ ├┈t-par-1698250722-year-of-the-dragon-fingerprint-doodle-activity_ver_1.pdf
└─│ └┈t-t-464-chinese-restaurant-display-lantern-cutouts_ver_1.pdf
└─│ ├─All About Dragons Chinese New Year
└─│ │ ├┈All About Dragons Chinese New Year PowerPoint (4) - 副本.pptx
└─│ │ ├┈All About Dragons Chinese New Year.mp3
└─│ │ ├┈All About Dragons Chinese New Year.mp4
└─│ │ └┈新建文本文档.txt
└─│ ├─t-l-54364-dragons-in-the-city-ebook_ver_10
└─│ │ ├─files
└─│ │ ├─mobile
└─│ │ ├─教学资源包
└─│ │ ├┈Dragons in the City.html
└─│ │ └┈READ ME - eBook instructions.pdf
└─│ ├┈t-t-4794-chinese-new-year-story-powerpoint_ver_17.pptx
└─│ └┈what am i.pptx
└─│ ├┈Dancing Dragons.pdf
└─│ ├┈I Am Big.pdf
└─│ ├┈KS1 60 Second Reads Guidance.pdf
└─│ ├┈Lung Dragons.pdf
└─│ ├┈t2-t-007-uks2-chinese-new-year-reading-comprehension-activities_ver_16.pdf
└─│ └┈The Good Pet.pdf
└─│ ├─十二生肖-中文
└─│ │ ├─files
└─│ │ ├─mobile
└─│ │ ├┈READ ME! Flipbook Instructions.pdf
└─│ │ └┈十二生肖.html
└─│ ├─寻找舞龙-中文
└─│ │ ├─files
└─│ │ ├─mobile
└─│ │ └┈ebook.html
└─│ ├─寻找舞龙小游戏
└─│ │ ├┈词汇毯.pdf
└─│ │ ├┈描述场景写作练习.pdf
└─│ │ ├┈他们想说什么.pdf
└─│ │ ├┈讨论卡.pdf
└─│ │ ├┈涂色练习.pdf
└─│ │ └┈找词游戏.pdf
└─│ ├┈ma-c-1703562207-shi-er-sheng-xiao-dong-wu-cheng-yu-tian-kong-lian-xi_ver_1.pdf
└─│ ├┈ma-c-1705506377-shi-er-sheng-xiao-dong-wu-qu-wei-cai-mi-ka_ver_1.pdf
└─│ └┈ma-t-t-25678-its-chinese-new-year-eyfs-story-powerpoint-.ppa